2. Launch Plan

ShardingDAO's launch is divided into 3 stages:

Phase 1

Referral Function Launch


  • During this period, users with established referral relationships can mine with a range of cryptos. You can access the pools from here: https://app.shardingdao.com/farms-stage-one

  • With each referral relationship established, both sides become entitled to higher mining rewards. This means, for a referer, more referees always result in higher mining rewards. In the meanwhile, uninvited users will be automatically denied access to the Pools.

  • In the meanwhile, uninvited users will be automatically denied access. You can find a public referral link in our Discord group: https://discord.com/invite/Y4YsGzjhbH

For more details, Please refer to Referral mechanism

Mining Phase 1: Mining with cryptos

We will be distributing 1,500,000 SHD in total (80% for mining users and 20% for developerDAO) from 11 am on March 23nd, 2021 (SGT) to April 13th, 2021 (SGT).

You can stake or collect at any time. But the rewards can only be harvested in the last 7 days and after.

Each token has an upper limit on collateral. If a user’s collateral is equal to or exceeds the upper limit, then it will deduct a fee of 20% of the profit from mining, and the fee will go into the Marketing Fund for promotional purposes.

If the vaults is used for mining, ShardingDAO will deduct a fee of 20%, which will go into the Marketing Fund for promotional purposes.

Exclusive AirDrop

Exclusive Airdrop: How’s the 800 addresses selected?

As an upcoming NFT fragmentation protocol and a marketplace for the shards, Sharding DAO has picked the 600 most active addresses in trading volume, primarily on Niftgatewaym, Rarible, Openseas, Superrare, with the rest of the top 200 address on Snapshot that has the most votes will each receive 500SHD.

Exclusive Airdrop: Timeline

  • From now on to 11 am on April 6th, 2021 (SGT), you can check whether or not you’ve become eligible for the airdrop but will not be able to claim it during this period.

  • If you are one of the 800, you can claim your airdrop from 11 am on April 6th, 2021 (SGT) to July 15th, 2021 (SGT).

  • Please note that you can no longer claim the airdrop after that and unclaimed $SHD will be taken back.

Phase 2

Fragmentation Function Release

  • NFT owners can fragment NFTs into shards to obtain revenue, etc.

Phase 3

Mining Phase 2: Mining with LP Tokens

  • Shard and LP Tokens can be used for mining.

  • Users who have established a referral relationship can use LP Tokens for mining. Users who have not established a referral relationship need to establish a referral relationship before they can mine.

For more details, Please refer to $SHD Distribution Mechanism of Mining

Last updated